Etosha Rescue has received a grant from:
The Aid to Helpless Animals Trust
Jesse Wright Boyd, Jr. Animal Assistance Fund
Ruth Lang Charitable Fund
Gaynelle and Gene Rankin Endowment Trust
Frances Margaret Seaver Fund
Winnie Converse Tappan Charitable Trust
Dr. Thomas E. Vice Fund
of the San Antonio Area Foundation
Our deepest gratitude goes to Mr. Paul Kleinschmidt and the The Alfrieda Durand Bishop Charitable Foundation Trust forongoing grant support for our spay/neuter program.

Many thanks to the DJ&T Foundation for funds to build several new outdoor, shaded runs for our dogs.
Etosha Rescue is honored to receive a 2019 grant from Petco to help us achieve more spay and neuter surgery for disadvantaged pets.
Special thanks go to:
- Amy Shelton McNutt Foundation
- Bissell Foundation
- Mutt Nation Foundation, Inc.
- Betty Steiren Kelso Foundation
- Vanberg Family Foundation
- Samuel & Ethel LeFrak Charitable Trust
- Vanberg Family Foundation
- Kelso Foundation
- Emma Barnsley Foundation
- James A."Buddy" Davidson Charitable Foundation
- Amy Shelton McNutt Charitable Trust
- Prentice Foundation
- J.Harry Tappan & Winnie Converse Tappan Charitable Trust
- Dixie Starnes Wenger Foundation
- Samuel J. & Ethel LeFrak Charitable Trust
- Petfinder Foundation
- Mutt Nation Foundation, Inc.
- DJ&T Foundation
- Andrew Delaney Foundation
- Cowden Charitable Foundation
- Crossroads Veterinary Hospital
- Delaney Foundation
- Lost Pawses Foundation
- Julia Jones Matthews Family Trust
- National Anti-Vivisection Society
- Pedigree Adoption Drive Foundation
- Prentice Foundation, San Antonio, TX
- Trinity Valley RR Club
- Rachael & Ben Vaughn Foundation
General Support:
- Beth Della Bella
- Phyllis Boyer
- Barbara Sawyer Brown
- Gail Cartter
- Gail Chadwick
- Kim Conrow
- Michelle Curry
- David Deming
- Lin Hainlen
- Michele Hartmann
- Nancy Henry
- Julia Runk Jones
- Bill and Doreen Kent
- Desiree Lange
- Jerri Langlais
- Jennifer Lamson
- Cindy and Bernie Larson
- Lawrence Luckey
- Peggy Moore
- Norah Ormerod
- Laura Osanitch
- Beverly Redden
- James Spates
- Kris Stanfield
- Lisa Stein
- Robert Turner
- Elizabeth Wagner
- JR and Bianca Waters
Many thanks to our adopters who support rescue. Thanks for checking in once in awhile too!
- Anne Johnson, "Harley" & "Bella"
- Bill & Debbie Jackson & "Winnie"
- Stacie Nevares & "Cody"
- Erin Callaghan & "Jasper"
- Jerry & Linda Dunham & "Gator"
- Ruth & Wynn Masters & "Grimm"
- Tina Rodriguez & "Porche", "Tilly", "Mackintosh" & "Beau"
- Lisa Rogers & "Denver" "Blue" & "Buddy"
- Scott & Tonya Freeman & "Aggie"
- Paula Kulchisky & "Bugs"
- Kathleen Lucas & "Sam"
- Joe & Cindy Egan & "Redford" & "JLo"
- Catherine Westling & "Harry"
- Janet & Greg Anderson and "Toto"
- Kathryn Mihalko & "Cristie"
- Andrew & Victoria Hodson, "Roxanne" & "Milo"
- Patti & Bill Wolf & "Tex"
- Wally & Susan Swanson & "Fatima"
- Donna Hoffmeister, "Congo", "Dallas", "Rocky" & "Mtumbi"
- Allyson Harder & "Kizzy"
- Eleanor Oshan, "Rufus" & "Jeb Lee"
- Jill Schwengler, "Gus" & "Libby"
- David Goode & "Midge"
- Tony & Lee Ann Dauphinot & "Goldie"
- Teresa & Eric Rice & "Calvin"
- Denise LePage & "Sophie"
- Willie & Janice Laman, "Noah" & "Sunshine"
- Earl & Anna Turner & "Nadia"
- Homer & Linda Dean & "Shorty"
- Leif & Cara Peterson & "Macy"
- John Ruttan & "Hobbs"
- Bill & Denise Anderson & "Gracie"
- Elaine Don & "Spanky"
- Bill & Jeanne Harrison & "Barbie"
- Barbara Cann & "Juma"
- Ashley Goodwin & "Rex"
- Ryan Sanderson & "Remington"
- Linda & Joe Pezzino & "Roscoe"
- Mike Ross & "Ladybird"
- Rick & Marilyn Stoner, "Ming Lee" & "Josh"
- Tony Perales & "Banjo"
- Rob Grona & "Boomer"